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Stories Untold - Text-Based? Horror Game

A text-based, narrative-driven horror game? Well, that seems a bit out of the ordinary.
June 22, 2024 by
Stories Untold - Text-Based? Horror Game
Michael Hill
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I'm generally not one for text-based adventure games, or narrative driven games, or horror games, or honestly anything that doesn't have colorful characters running around equally colorful levels. With all that said however, I was very impressed with Stories Untold, and I could see myself diving more into the genre in the future because of it.


I'm familiar with text based adventure games, being a programmer having to make one is almost a rite of passage, but the ways that this game exceeded my expectations are pretty impressive. First off, they innovate on the idea by having the text-based parts be partly in universe (would that be called diegetic in this case?), where the game we play mimics a game that the main character has. It has each chapter also play a different way, with chapter 3 being entirely distinct from chapter 2, which is distinct from chapter 1. The sudden shift to a free-roam segment was also unexpected, so I can thoroughly say that my expectations were exceeded with this game.

Stories Untold, team17


I'm not too well versed on narrative structure or anything of the sort, so I won't delve too much into it, but this game did a great job at suspending a mystery, with lots of questions and loose threads, and then wrapping them up all in a very satisfying and deliberate way by the end. You can tell all of the threads are meant to go together, unlike a lot of modern independent horror games, for as good as those games may be. Visually, it's apparent that it's trying to play into the same marketing visuals as the Netflix series 'Stranger Things', which is honestly a bit shameless, and I would say in poor taste, but the story itself is unique, it's mostly in the branding.

The horror is also very well done for a game with no visible characters. Lots of jumpscares from lighting changes with corresponding sound effects are very well done, I really can't complain. The runtime is also great, and the game felt as long as it needed to.


My main critique of the game is ironically enough the performance. I was playing this on a by-no-means weak PC, and experienced frame drops to 14 FPS. It appears the game could be better optimized, but luckily it's a game where a smooth FPS is a nice to have, not a need to have. The game isn't particularly graphically demanding either. It boasts some nice looking effects, but nothing I'd say justifies that low FPS. It also could be a hardware specific issue to me though, so your mileage may vary.

Overall, just a very well put together game with a very satisfying narrative bow at the end. I'd definitely give it a shot if you like interesting stories and horror, but even if you generally don't (like me) you might enjoy this one anyways! If you've played this game, and have suggestions for games like it, leave them down in the comments below, I'm interested to hear!

Hope you've enjoyed the read, and until next time, never forget to play without limits!

- Mikey (Can't Actually Read)

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